
Beautiful VioletMorphine.Search her on deviantART to view more of her amazing pictures

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Countess Grotesque on VampireFreaks

You should really check out her photos,its amazingly artful.


Make sure you check out the almost famous scene queens page on facebook,all the newest scene girls and styles are fetured:)


If you dont have a vampirefreaks account yet,make sure to get one because the people on vmpirefreaks are the most creative individuals of all.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Whats the scene about?

I noticed my blog is being jam packed with scene style,it is a style i prefer but i will incorporate other styles as well:))

Saturday, 7 May 2011

New Blog!

Hello guys and gals:))
Ive made this new blog to celebrate or introduce styles wich are considered
strange or 'too unique'.If there is a person or a style i havent added add me on
facebook and request a person or style i can add or use.